I swear, the chaos of this new administration is already dizzying! Of course, that is by design—at least in part. Some of it is the nature of the “Dear Leader” who is head of the most recent iteration of The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight, metaphorically speaking! So here we are again. Some of it this time, however, is very intentional with the real head of the governmental “church” as Mr. Musk.
How Does it Function You Ask?
Obviously, no one can predict the future but let’s just say, it doesn’t look all that promising. This go-around the man at the alleged top has a roadmap of sorts with the whole Project 2025 yahoos as his shepherds leading our democracy to the edge of the proverbial cliff. They are, in short, the actual template designers with ‘The President’ the mere mouthpiece and puppet—their puppet! Why? Because he’s so good at appealing to the basest of human instincts: fear and intimidation. And oh yes, chaos. Added to that is the designers’s operating premise being that the voters that have gotten he/them this far have just been a vehicle to that end. The ultimate goal is the destruction of democracy itself.
At this point, I can’t make any prediction whatsoever how this might play out over the coming months but suffice it to say, they (the bad guys) have some advantages. First, they have this operational Roadmap to go by and therefore have a head start—Project 2025.
Second, there have both “witting” and unwitting accomplices in several categories. They have some media mechanisms that they can manipulate. This latter category is a two-way street however. After all, social media platforms can be utilized by all sides—some of which have honorable ends that the bad guys do not. Still, that at least gives decent, reasonable democratic minded people an opportunity to communicate, and broadly. Because unless they start censoring absolutely everything, other voices can be heard.
A Glimmer or a Spark
So, the good guys, aka democratic minded folks have ways to communicate through some of the same tools the bad guys do. After all, the bad guys are not monolithic. And quite frankly, the good guys are a larger and much more effective category to steer by: Power! The disadvantage to this larger category however is that it’s more fractious. Also, the good guys can and will need to ramp up the proverbial “vocal cords“ both literally and through social media itself, as well as several other communication tools. The greatest advantage the good guys have, however, is that the overall “energy system” has more power than the force of the bad guys. It’s actually not just about volume after all, it’s about the ”physics” (or metaphysics) of groups! It’s about power.
Pay Attention Here
The reality of ”Power Versus Force” is this: “According to the concept of ‘Power vs. Force’, the seminal book by Dr David R. Hawkins, the primary advantage of “power” over “force” is that power is sustainable, creates positive long-term change, and stems from a higher level of consciousness, while force is often destructive, creates resistance, and is based on lower consciousness levels like fear and intimidation. This latter lower consciousness leads to temporary results, which in turn lead to negative repercussions; essentially, power empowers and builds while force controls and diminishes.” Read that again, twice if you need to. The bad guys might have institutional legitimacy (a tool used by Force at this stage) but they don’t have actual value because they’re ultimately destroyers.
Do Americans Really Want To Be Destroyers?
We Americans will all have to look inward for a moment and see who we think we are and what we want to be, and what we actually are, as in what we’re capable of. Take a pause just for a second. Yes, the bad guys are moving fast (part of their strategy.) But the good guys (which is to say we/us) can and must catch up, and quickly. We have the capacity to exert far more Power (influence) than we know, we just need a bit of quick consciousness-raising and belief in ourselves as a whole.
The Choice Ahead
Do we want to be ruled by non-integrous individuals more focused on Force to line their own pockets, diminishing America by using untruths and propaganda? Do we want to shrink, be less valuable in beneficial terms to ourselves and the rest of the world? Are we moral, integrous people? It is essential that we speak, write, and communicate through multiple mediums as often and as loudly (which can be both numbers and volume) until such time as those looking to destroy democracy for their own greedy ends are truly exposed as the non-integrous frauds they are. After all, they might have institutional legitimacy but they have no moral authority. None! Nada!
Ultimately, if we want to be integrous as a country, a democracy seeking to employ honest solutions and tools that help all, Power is the most effective and honorable tool to achieve that end. (Think of Gandhi, Mandela!) ‘We’ have that; ‘They’ do not.’ It’s up to each one of us to decide, to use our talent, courage and grit, individually and as a whole.
This grit can be deployed modestly and/or brazenly—again, think about the quiet of Mandela, the fortitude and brazenness of Gandhi, the masses that were influenced and mobilized. We cannot afford to stay shocked at the prurient and vile ‘coup’ operating in plain sight. The good guys have power. The bad guys only have force.
At the end of the day, do we want an integrous country or a corrupt and greedy one? Speak out. Write it out. Social media it out. In whatever way or using whatever legitimate mechanism you can. Just remember that Power (which Is on the side of the angels) trumps (sorry but I’m reclaiming the word!) Force always. It’s a law of nature! But that law has to be deployed, acted on, unspooled and flagrant, even loud. We better all do what we can, large or small because the window is closing very quickly. And it’ll just be that much harder if we don’t!