Entries by Rosalie

Hope Comes As a Prayer

To be tired, truly tired is an awful and overwhelming feeling. It swamps you leaving a feeling of disorientation and rudderlessness, at least for a time. While I believe one can recover from the state, the shock of its very occurrence has a lingering effect much like a bad odor impossible to completely eradicate. Ultimately, […]

Stumbling Towards Nirvana

When I was a little girl, I remember playing under an evergreen tree with the lower canopy that allowed for a teepee-like experience. I even imagined (or remembered?) being a squaw in a previous life. Actually, it is not relevant whether it was imagined because the essence of the experience was that of serenity, solid […]

The Madman of Moscow

I’m living in the brutality of the now. Not the brutality of the then. Not the brutality of decades or centuries past but now, today, each day the same as if it was a then. But it’s not; it’s now.  It’s Putin’s brutality at this point. He pushes death like a street corner drug dealer, […]


I confess to loving nature. I confess to killing ants! I confess to walking past dirt in my house, just leaving it. For days! I confess to letting some spiders hang out in my tiny house and violently stomping on others that look ominous. I confess to being selective. I confess to being small minded. […]

A Reverent Act

A place I walk frequently is home to lots of wild turkeys. I cannot tell if there’s one huge gaggle of them or whether there’s two or three smaller groups that periodically join up with one another, creating a conclave of birds. Regardless, they are fun to see and hear when I come upon however […]

Our Lady Of Perpetual Confusion

Sigh! (And yes, it really does deserve an exclamation point.) For the last year oftentimes I have struggled to write, uncertain of my emotional and psychological footing. My opinions are lame, (being only opinions after all.) I’m also exhausted of others’ opinions, their precious positionalities suckled close to their solar plexus. Consequently, watching the state […]

Dear Bennet

Dear Bennet, you wouldn’t believe it. America has gone insane. It would be unrecognizable to you, and quite chilling to see that the Big Lie syndrome has convinced 30 to 40% of Americans, mostly Republicans, of a fantasy reality. Hitler would be proud; Goebbels, envious! Trump has certainly given each of them a run for […]

Oh To Go A Hiking

Christmas 2021 (For Sam & Lauren, with Love) My son and daughter-in-law love to go hiking, particularly in areas that have lots of trees. Redwoods are of great interest and grab Lauren’s heart in particular. While I think Sam’s draw to hiking is also about the trees, I sense it includes elevation, providing sweeping vistas […]

Serenity In Woods

“Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore  unsuitable. I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds  or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of  praying, as you no doubt have yours.  Besides, when I […]

Through Glass Dimly

I weep for America, but I may not always do so. As I watch the twisting and distorting permeate the fabric of our society, I grieve for the loss of integrity in some corners that manipulate communication into unrecognizable fashion. I weep for America but I may not always do so. Does the fallen angel […]